投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
作者/編譯者 期  數
篇  名 出版年月
關 鍵 字 請儘量輸入關鍵字之完整名稱,非簡稱,如「特殊教育」而非「特教」。
出版年 出版月 期數 篇名 作者/編譯者 頁次 檔案
1988 1 28 Gifted students and parent training ZHAN? XIU-MEI 6 -
1988 1 28 A brief introduction to gifted schools in America Chen? Charng-Yi 16 -
1988 1 28 A brief overview of gifted education around the world HE? MEI-HUI 21 -
1988 1 28 Several math teaching strategies of gifted students in junior high school and elementary school  GAO? YUAN-LING 37 -
1987 15 25 A Report on Musical Gifted Classes in High School WANG‚ SIAN-GONG 9 -
1987 12 25 如何在高中實施資優教育 傅銘東  1 - 如何在高中實施資優教育.pdf
1987 12 25 How to Implement Gifted Education in Senior High School FU‚ MING-DONG 1 -
1987 12 25 A Report and Suggestions for Mathematical and Scientific Gifted Class in Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School Academic Affairs Office of Taipei Jianguo High School 4 -