投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Exploring Differentiated Instruction Through the Perspective of Gifted Education
作者/編譯者 Chen-Yao Kao
出版年/月 2010/3
期  數 114
頁  次 16 ~
類  別
摘  要 Abstract The purpose of this article was to explore the feasibility and viability of differentiated instruction for Taiwan’s current gifted education. The text includes the meaning and import of differentiated instruction, the characteristics of differentiated instruction, implementation of differentiated instruction, the relationships between differentiated instruction and Taiwan’s gifted education, and the potential problems derived from differentiated instruction. Hopefully, the article concerning the differentiated instruction can benefit the development of Taiwan’s gifted education. Keywords: differentiated instruction, content, process, product
檔  案