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篇  名 A Case Study on Analyzing Strengths and Weaknesses of a Fifth Grade Gifted Student with Learning Disabilities
作者/編譯者 Hsiao-Lan Tsou, Tai-Hwa Emily Lu
出版年/月 2009/9
期  數 112
頁  次 8 ~
類  別
摘  要 The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects and accessibilities of using multiple tools and methods to thoroughly find out the strengths and weaknesses of a fifth grade gifted student with learning disabilities. Besides administrating WISC-IV and Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, Chinese Version of Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales Form-B, and Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale to the student, data of parent and teacher interviews and student’s personal files were also analyzed. According to the findings, the authors also made some suggestions for future implementations. Keywords: gifted student with learning disabilities, analysis of the strengths and weaknesses, multiple assessment
檔  案