投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 The Application of the Art Creativity Performance Test on Identification and Placement of Junior High Hevel Artistically Talented Students in Taipei County
作者/編譯者 Tai-Hwa Emily Lu
出版年/月 2009/6
期  數 111
頁  次 1 ~
類  別
摘  要   The author examined the meanings and implementations of the Art Creativity Performance Test on identification and placement of junior high level artistically talented students in Taipei County. Through analyzing approximate 550 to 650 art creativity performance products of attending the identification process from 2003 to 2005, the author summarized the fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration of their products. Based on the above findings, literature reviews, and past experiences of being one of the identification team member and evaluator of the test, the author made some suggestions for future implementations. Keywords: creative performance, artistically talented, art talent education, artistical talent, creativities
檔  案