投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Chinese Assignment Design for Talented Students
作者/編譯者 Ling-shour Lin
出版年/月 1998/9
期  數 68
頁  次 22 ~
類  別
摘  要 After the implementation of the new curriculum standard, both the hours and the content of Chinese lessons have been reduced. To enable gifted students to fully enjoy the spirit of self-study and independent research, the design of their assignments demands more careful planning to reinforce the depth of the course. The author pointed out several principles for assignment designers to follow: 1) challenging and action-packed; 2) organized and economic; 3) interesting and creative; 4) related to the time and society; 5) open and free. For each section, the author also provided teaching methods and illustrations. For example, there are about eight ways to make students learn more about the author. 1) Learn about the author's world views through quotations. 2) Read the autobiography of the author and write comments. 3) After reading related information about the author, write about one event or writing in the author's life that touched the students the most. 4) Read the author's other works and analyze. 5) Interview the author. 6) Write a letter to the author. 7) Give titles to the author. 8) Describe the students' impressions on the author. Four ways of designing assignments for reading analysis are 1) guided preview; 2) sentence extension; 3) open-ended questions and 4) sentence making. For students to understand the usage of figures of speech, four assignments are also available: 1) sentence making; 2) sentence extension; 3) rewrite and 4) appreciating and applying figures of speech. After analyzing the structure of the article, students could be asked to imitate the work, write feedbacks on other materials given, or do comparative analysis. At the end, the author provided sources of ideas for assignment design, including papers and magazines, articles written by the author, guided and creative writing materials, brainstorming handbooks, teacher's manuals and everyday trivial.
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