投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Resource Integration and Gifted Education
作者/編譯者 Den-mo Tsai
出版年/月 1997/9
期  數 64
頁  次 6 ~
類  別
摘  要 This paper first pointed out what gifted students need from special education. It then indicated that schools with special programs remain a minority in Taiwan‚ which would lead to the ignorance of the need of potential gifted students. Thus‚ the author called for a resource integration to support the diversification of gifted education. The author listed the strategies for integrating related resource as follows: 1) Build up a net for sharing the social resource of national and local gifted education. 2) Encourage non-governmental institutions to participate in the development of gifted programs. 3) Urge universities to render human and research resources. 4) Encourage social educational institutions to cooperate with schools or academic organizations on gifted programs. 5) Raise the reimbursement for special education centers in normal universities conducting gifted programs. 6) Flesh out the resource in remote areas to balance the disparity between gifted programs in urban and rural regions. 7) Set up gifted education resource centers in every cities. 8) Call for active participation from parents.
檔  案