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篇  名 Prodigies are Always Spoiled by Their Parents
作者/編譯者 Chien-Lung Chen
出版年/月 1997/3
期  數 62
頁  次 38 ~
類  別
摘  要 In this article‚ the author takes four examples of prodigies. First is a calligraphy prodigy. Second example is a five years old child who can write and paint. Third example is a kid who is under two years old but can speak twenty-six English letters of the alphabet. Before entered kindergarten‚ he could understand math. The fourth is a kid with talent and intelligence who is ten years old. However‚ they were spoiled by their parents. After growing up‚ they become selfish or self-conceited. Hence‚ the author suggests parents not to spoil prodigies but teach them to identify good and bad‚ and also be well-mannered and humble. Also not to make them become an self-conceited overlord.
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