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篇  名 Identifying Gifted Students Who Will Benefit from Accelerated Education
作者/編譯者 Ching-Chih Kuo
出版年/月 2000/9
期  數 76
頁  次 1 ~
類  別
摘  要 Educational acceleration is a kind of education measures promotes acceleration study for students who are talented and feel less challenge with general class. This education method is a kind of educational plan which beyond ages as enrollment conditions. It means the education method across the limitations of grades and provides elastically and personality suitably which could be seen as the ability of student was concerned but not ages. The author discusses about seven kinds of identification and counseling methods of educational acceleration. The author also provides counseling planning table for schools as reference at the end of the article. Key words: Gifted Students? Educational Acceleration? Identification? Counseling Methods
檔  案