投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 The Identification Issues on Gifted Early Entrants
作者/編譯者 Yi-Hsiu Lin
出版年/月 2000/3
期  數 74
頁  次 19 ~
類  別
摘  要 The article introduced the importance of Gifted Early Entrants‚ the content of Gifted Early Entrants‚ and the assessment of Gifted Early Entrants. In the first part‚ it was divided into intelligence‚ school work‚ learning preparing skill‚ psychomotor development‚ and the maturity of social emotion. In the third part‚ the author brought out assessment models from Burns‚ Mathews & Mason‚ and National Taiwan Normal University Special Education Department.
檔  案