投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 The Design and Implementation of Independent Research Curriculum
作者/編譯者 Bor-Chyuan Gau
出版年/月 1999/9
期  數 72
頁  次 24 ~
類  別
摘  要 The article is based on the discussion of "The Design and Implementation of Independent Research Curriculum". Firstly, the article elaborates the importance of independent research curriculum within gifted education. Secondly, it employs the "Activity Analysis" which proposed by Bobbit to develop the content for independent research curriculum. It further explains the practice of independent research curriculum from four angles which are the changing of teaching materials and methods, changing of organizations, changing of role or behavior, also knowledge and apprehension. Furthermore, it provides the strategies for independent research curriculum such as get supports from school, eliminate the concern from parents' concept, penetrate the limitations of students and enhance the professional knowledge on teachers. Finally, the author introduced the school adopt independent research curriculum that he works for. Key words: Gifted Education, Independent Research, Curriculum Design
檔  案