投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 The Application of Multiple Intelligence Model on Gifted Education-An Interpersonal Growth Group Activity
作者/編譯者 Tsui-yueh Li
出版年/月 1991/9
期  數 40
頁  次 28 ~
類  別
摘  要 The author first introduced the Multiple Intelligence Model‚ and through graphics‚ illustrated the procedure of problem solving. Using the Model‚ the author has designed a growth group activity for gifted students to enhance their interpersonal communications. The activity falls into three part‚ each attached with several activities: 1) Self-exploration: "Watch me and listen to me" and "Talk about relations." 2) Exploring interpersonal interactions: "My heart" and "Our PAC." 3) How to solve interpersonal conflicts and problems: "Everything will be okay" and "If I were him/her." Each activity is designed with objectives to achieve‚ procedures and points of note. A reference list is also attached to this paper.
檔  案