投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Investigation Activities for Elementary Gifted Students
作者/編譯者 Huei-ying Yen
出版年/月 1993/6
期  數 47
頁  次 29 ~
類  別
摘  要 Owing to the lack of fixed teaching materials for gifted students‚ teachers of gifted classes were encouraged to design more effective teaching materials in order to meet the need of the gifted. As a teacher of gifted classes‚ the author agreed to the importance of emotional teaching for the gifted and training for investigation activities. Thus a series of "investigation activities" were designed for elementary gifted students. This paper introduced the investigation activities and covered the following aspects: main ideas of activities‚ teaching purposes such cultivation of interests‚ training of methods‚ social concern‚ and interpersonal communication‚ teaching contents‚ and teaching evaluation such as formative evaluation‚ summative assessment‚ and research effects.
檔  案