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篇  名 Application and promotion of thinking skill teaching
作者/編譯者 ZHAN‚ XIU-MEI
出版年/月 1988/6
期  數 27
頁  次 38 ~
類  別
摘  要 Thinking skill teaching is widely recognized by teachers. The approach can be applied to all students‚ not just gifted students. Presently people have recognized that application of thinking skill is a key point in school teaching projects‚ but further development are yet to be explored. This article discusses three parts o thinking skill teaching: 1. Obstacles in thinking skill teaching‚ including: a. differences among teachers on which kind of approach should be adopted b. lack of clear definition of skills c. the approach fails to meet the objects of helping students pick up the skills d. cramming too many skills in too short period of time e. improper evaluation of students 2. The strategy adopted in thinking skill teaching: TV model is widely adopted‚ yet we can think of other possibilities and make judgement-execution plans while predicting causal relationship and communicating affective emotions. 3. Suggestions for instructors: a. Familiarize yourself with the subjects and skills of the courses b. Stress the skills and teachings materials that are understandable and applicable to the teachers c. Hold 15-20 minute seminars for teachers teaching different graders‚ giving them chances to discuss and share experiences.
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