投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Basic Thinking Skills and Effective Thinking
作者/編譯者 Belle Wallance‚ Harvey Adams 
出版年/月 1990/9
期  數 36
頁  次 7 ~
類  別
摘  要 Thinking in an Active Social Context (TASC) comprises two levels: extended thinking and problem solving. The TASC Basic Thinking Categories include: Knowledge‚ Attitudes and Motivation‚ Metacognition‚ Skills and Processes. TASC and tools for effective thinking aim to solve problems‚ with eight steps:1) gather/ organize; 2) identify; 3) generate; 4) decide; 5) implement; 6) evaluate; 7) communicate; 8) learn from experience. (This paper is a transcript of the summer seminar on gifted education in 192001/)
檔  案