投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 A Trip to the Philippines-a journal for the first Summer Camp for Gifted Students in Southeast Asia
出版年/月 1990/9
期  數 36
頁  次 38 ~
類  別
摘  要 As a 7th grade gifted students in Hoping Junior High School‚ the author participated as a Taiwanese delegate in the first Summer Camp for Gifted Students in Southeast Asia in 192001/ He was joined with over 20 gifted children from Korea‚ the U.S.‚ the Philippines and Taiwan in Subiaco‚ the Philippines for the five-day camp. In addition to visiting local facilities in the country‚ leadership and gifted characteristics programs were provided. This paper is a journal written in English by the author for the five-day activity.
檔  案