投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 On Gifted Young Children
作者/編譯者 Lin‚ Min-Huey
出版年/月 1991/3
期  數 38
頁  次 35 ~
類  別
摘  要 The author first defined the term "gifted young children"‚ and discussed whether early identification and education of young gifted children are necessary. The author also presented methods and data available for identifying gifted young children. 12 points of note were proposed for adults observers to identify potentials in young children. The author also provided some advice for parents to meet the needs of the development of their gifted young children. For those who wish to gain access to more information‚ the author listed some institutions (special education centers)‚ publications (magazines) for reference. Finally‚ the author expressed her opinions and commented on the popular "Potential Exploration Institutes."
檔  案