投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Teaching Activities Through Metacognitive Strategies
作者/編譯者 Shin-Ru Lin  
出版年/月 1991/9
期  數 40
頁  次 33 ~
類  別
摘  要 In this paper‚ the author first introduces briefly the idea of metacognition‚ and then presents teaching activities based on metamemory and metacomprehension as a reference for future teachings. The first activity‚ which aims to help students figure out their memory strategies‚ covers metamemory and includes three sub actitives: "Memory Kaleidoscope‚" "Photographic Memory‚" The second activity covers metacomprehension‚ with the purpose of making students understand their reading comprehension strategies. The sub activities of the second activity include "You say and I guess" and "Reading ABC." The lesson plan also specifies the material needed and instructional procedures
檔  案