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篇  名 Humanistic Education for Gifted and Talented Children and Adolecents
作者/編譯者 Shiu-huei Chen
出版年/月 1998/9
期  數 68
頁  次 38 ~
類  別
摘  要 While technology serves as an important skill in developing the material world, a fulfilled spiritual life remains the quintessential part in life. Gifted students are oftentimes the role models for others whose behaviors have great influence on school and social groups. Therefore, there is a need for gifted education to include humanity lessons such as philosophy, literature, history, arts and music to cultivate students into "whole persons." Humanistic education, the education that teaches one "how to be a person," cultivates students' moral fiber. It is the most important kind of education amid the process of modernization. In the age of technology, humanistic education should put emphasis on the humanity spirit, the importance of harmony and personal responsibilities to the society.
檔  案