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篇  名 Current Issues and Future Trends on the Policies and Administration of Gifted Education in Taiwan? ROC
作者/編譯者 Wu-tien Wu
出版年/月 1996/6
期  數 59
頁  次 1 ~
類  別
摘  要 Gifted education in Taiwan burgeoned from the fourth National Education Conference in 1972? on which the principle of having gifted students receive proper education was determined. The next year? the first stage of gifted education was launched? followed by the second and third stage in 1979 and 1982. Year 1984? the Special Education Act was enforced with its policies and system mostly settled? giving legal foundation to the flexibility of the education system and curricula? enforcement of teacher trainings and usage of social resources. The four supportive systems-curriculum design? teacher training? social resource usage and research development also found their base on regulations. (Wu? 1992) However? there were still disparities between policies imposed in different cities? including separate classes? pull-out programs and early enrollment. In addition? follow-up systems were not established? which revealed the fact that there was much left to be improved. (Wu-tien Wu ? 1994) This paper probed into gifted education from 5 aspects: gifted education laws and its program planning? reimbursement? education system? and international gifted programs.
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