投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 A Research Review on the Spatial Abilities of the Gifted
作者/編譯者 San-mai Lee
出版年/月 1996/6
期  數 59
頁  次 21 ~
類  別
摘  要 This paper is a research on the spatial abilities of gifted students. "Spatial ability" was discovered as an incident happened when psychologist tried to study intelligence. After World War II, it became the most developed area of test for measuring soldiers' non-verbal intelligence. According to Chiang, Jia-Tang, a Taiwanese scholar's definition, spatial ability refers to the ability to recognize and manipulate visual images, which coincide with the two major factors affecting spatial abilities: spatial relationship of objects (SR-O) and visualization. According to researches done by both domestic and international scholars on gifted students of science and mathematics, language and fine arts, 1) gifted students have better spatial abilities than normal students; 2) gifted students differ in their spatial abilities, with some better at two dimensional and some three; 3) science and mathematics gifted students' spatial abilities significantly outscores that of the language gifted; 4) science and mathematics gifted students have better spatial abilities than students gifted in arts, but the latter are more acute in recognizing images. It is therefore concluded that there is a correlation between spatial abilities and gifted students with high intelligence, but that between special talents are even keener.
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