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篇  名 A Research Review on the Sex Education for the Gifted
作者/編譯者 Ya-bing Shih
出版年/月 1996/6
期  數 59
頁  次 16 ~
類  別
摘  要 With sex playing an important part in life, gender relationship becomes a crucial part in interpersonal relationships. Yet in such a conservative country as Taiwan, the mention of sex more or less generates embarrassment. Academic research on sex as related to special education has been scarce, with only 6 empirical research and none targeting on gifted students. Comparatively, in 1967, the "Who's Who Among American High School Students" has already been established in the U.S.. The organization targets on high school students with high achievements and does an annual survey on their reactions and opinions toward hot spot issues such as sex education, AIDS, homosexuality and domestic violence. The research showed that gifted students' understanding toward sex is more positive than normal students, but it is still crucial that the parents and authorities take heed of students' characteristics and sexual adaptation. Gifted students should receive proper sex education so as to achieve a physical and psychological balance, and to be aware of their social responsibilities. With that, their problem solving and creative thinking ability could be developed, and would further on become the solution seeker of social problems. The author suggested that the authority concerned appeal to the attention given by the public on sex education, and that professional trainings and research be encouraged for the practice of sex education.
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