投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 A Comparative Study on the Interpersonal Relationships Between Gifted and Normal Students in Ming-Sun Elementary School
作者/編譯者 Huei-gin Chen & Shin-yn Ong
出版年/月 1996/6
期  數 59
頁  次 31 ~
類  別
摘  要 There are currently 36 elementary schools in Taipei implementing mainstream pull-out programs for gifted students. Yet there are often negative attitudes towards pull-out program students from normal class teachers and students alike. Using the "counseling assisting system," the author studied students from 3rd to 6th grade in Ming-Sun Elementary School to measure the interpersonal relationship between gifted and normal students. The results showed that 1) gifted students were made "star students" more easily than normal students; 2) the difference concerning students' "popular," "controversial" and "neglected" index was huge between the two groups; 3) there were disparities between 5th and 6th grade gifted and normal students, but there was none for 4th graders. Research showed that as gifted students grew, they tended to have better interpersonal relationships. This paper also studied cases of gifted students with poor interpersonal relationship to explore the reason behind. Counseling goals and strategies were then set up to help students get along with others in groups.
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