投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 The Introduction of Math and Science Curriculum in the World
作者/編譯者 Ming-tsung Chen
出版年/月 1995/6
期  數 55
頁  次 22 ~
類  別
摘  要 This article introduced the main ideas and implementations of math and science curriculums practiced in the United States‚ Canada‚ Germany‚ England‚ Commonwealth of Independent States‚ Japan‚ South Korea‚ and China; then‚ this study took Taipei Municipal LiShan High School as an example and made proposals for Taiwan math and science curriculum. A series of discussed topics and suggestions were included‚ such as the establishment of center of curriculum development‚ the diversity of implementation‚ the importance of quality of curriculum and its holistic development‚ claim for math and science curriculum as one kind of general curriculum‚ long-time scheme for development‚ enhancement of curriculum assessment and credited-based education for senior high schools.
檔  案