投審稿系統 > 季刊目錄
篇  名 Application of Mentorship in Gifted Education
作者/編譯者 Ya-bin Shih
出版年/月 1995/6
期  數 55
頁  次 29 ~
類  別
摘  要 Based on the bibliographies‚ this article started from the origins and the role of mentors in history to the program and values of mentorship. When taking foreign applications of mentorship as examples‚ a series of suggestions were given to the domestic applications of mentorship; these suggestions included concepts of campaign‚ strategies of the relationship between mentorship and gifted students‚ teachers training‚ implementation‚ assessment‚ administrative aids‚ reasonable expectation‚ identification‚ and inclusion of gifted students with lower socio-economic status.
檔  案