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篇  名 Using Gifted EducationalProject in the Regular Classroom-Compacting Curriculum Teaching Strategies
作者/編譯者 Alan Lin
出版年/月 2005/3
期  數 94
頁  次 14 ~
類  別
摘  要 Using Gifted Educational Project in the Regular Classroom -Compacting Curriculum Teaching Strategies Alan Lin National Kaohsiung Normal University Abstract Curriculum compacting is an instructional technique that is specifically designed as part of any educational program to make appropriate curricular adjustments for more capable students in any curriculum area and any grade level. Students who demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives should deserve the opportunity for acceleration or enrichment activities‚ self-directed learning activities and more challenging alternatives. This article discusses the basic meaning of curriculum compacting‚ presents related researches in curriculum compacting‚ provides the implementation and practice of curriculum compacting‚ and finally gives a summary of the study. Key words: gifted educational project; compacting curriculum; teaching strategies; learning contract
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